C&P-016 The Alarm(1890-1908)

“The Alarm”, oil on canvas, 79.5 x 105cm

Artist:Stephen Lewin(UK)

Size:128*104cm(with frame)

Stephen Lewin was an English artist who specialised in painting genre subjects. His exact date of birth is not known but we do know that he exhibited his paintings in London between 1890 and 1908.In 1902 Lewin exhibited a work entitled 'An Alarm' at the Royal Academy and at this time he lived at 11 Bath Road, Bedford Park in London.

The popularity of Queen Victoria gave rise to a renewed interest in historical subject matter with a Royalist theme. Cavaliers were thought to be flamboyant and debonair and were excellent visual material for artists in search of striking historical subject matter. Lewin was very fond of this theme as it showed off his excellent draughtsmanship well. He painted many such works which were greatly admired.

